500 followers! 1 like = 1 ritual or magic spell

Spells and rituals very loosely defined.
Prophesies and visions if I run out of material.
1) I have tea a very specific way, I always brew it the same, for 5min, and do the same coreography to remove the bag and add milk. Having tea any other way at cafes makes me angry from frustration
2) I always demand a cuddle and a kiss from my spouse before I leave or fall asleep. My family doesn't hug and I like these rituals after growing up essentially with people appearing and disappearing unannounced all the time. Gotta have ceremony.
3) I like writing the mantra "elo on ilo" in cursive
("Life is a joy")
4) When you encounter a new word or you realise a word is a meaning cluster, go on http://etymonline.com  and figure out the PIE root and have profound ideas about what it means
5) When I develop a new unnamed mood I make a Spotify list about it and figure out what the core of it is
6) When I see a cat I blink away from it, yawn slowly, approach in a semicircle and let it sniff my hand. 9/10 cats will vibe with me and headbutt and let me pet.
7) I use language magic to stop escape room players from wanting to break things by making them think we're on the same team, with clever word choices. With the wrong words they brute force the room
8) When I truly want to think about stuff I lie down and do zig zag patterns with my eyes to slow down background processing and focus on the matter at hand
9) Never leave a bread loaf upside down
10) When I need to find something I say it out loud and I can feel a brain area activate and it helps find it faster. Name your intentions.
11) When I want to start believing something I draw a magic square where there's four corners that say, for example, X IS IMMORAL, X IS GOOD, Y IS IMMORAL, Y IS GOOD, where in the opposite corner I have opposite beliefs. I then find positions and come up with true scenarios.
12) I often just ask my unconscious to pull up the most urgent issue i should tackle and it always brings forth a symbolic image that commands me. If this fails, I request for a dream.
13) When I get anxious about something I've done, might gave done or might do permanently ruining my life, I increase its intensity to 100% and accept the doomed timeline and find a way to find it bareable. The actual situation will seem like easy mode to accept
14) If you're extremely scared of something (sleep paralysis demons, dentist, ego death) turn the intense feeling into horny instead by developing a kink or a fetish or a crush. Your body won't even notice the switch and now you get to be horny about more stuff
15) If you're anxious you can similarly turn it into excitement and a pumped up feeling and energise yourself into action
16) As a kid me and my friends did jump rope fortunes. Two spin the long skipping rope, one jumps in the middle. The ritual has three parts: First you skip while everyone chants the alphabet in a loop, until you fail a jump.
The jumper is left aside as everyone else participating gathers and considers the letter they fell on. They decide on a name starting with that letter, someone of a romantically preferred gender to the jumper
The jumping resumes, with chanting: "The priest is twirling the shoe lace/[person jumping] jumped into the arms of [name of potential love interest]/YES NO YES NO YES"
The answer you fail on will be the truth
We would spend entire recesses engaged in this game, checking the love futures for all the girls in my tiny school. Everyone paid attention to the reactions of the jumper, how eager she seemed to land on a letter of a potential crush, how willing to honestly keep jumping yes-no
17) In elementary school me and the girls had a zine with a magical chart of what it means when you sneeze at which time of the day. We checked the communal zine every time we sneezed dyring the school day
18) When I get really annoyed with someone, I take the time to realise what about them is reflecting my attention to something within me that I hate looking at, and try to brace myself and face it to learn to like it
19) When I admire someone or feel inferior to them ir obsess about their apprival, I try to use their good qualities as a mirror to see the same potential and skill in myself, and incorporate it into my attitude and actions
20) When I am burdened by stress my husband eats it off of my forehead, complete with slurping noises and crunches and duration/amount of chewing proportional to how stressed I'm being. It helps a lot.
21) The spell for making perfect sand castles: You put moist sand in the bucket, tip it over, tap on the bucket with your plastic spade and chant:
ÄLÄ TULE PAHA KAKKU (Don't be a bad cake)
TULE HYVÄ KAKKU (Be a good cake)

This can be generalised into any [effort+quick reveal]
22) When unsure, flip a coin and examine if the result delights or dissappoints. You can decide based on that, the actual flip result matters not
23) If you get a spontaneous ear worm, it's either your semi-verbal subconscious trying to alert you to something, giving you free advice, or trying to harmonize you with surroundings (=others producing tunes or songs)
24) When you're procrastinating, make a list of the stuff you want to do and draw a face/put an emoji next to each item, expressing how you feel about them. Note which ones are happy, excited, curious. Note which ones are frustrated, sad, terrified. Give space and attention.
25) When you get distracted by alternative activites and you need to do important tasks, find a way to harness the attention and seeking instinct that's pulling you away and use it to power your task doing
26) Cumming together releases oxytocin, which is a pair-bonding chemical. Mutual cumming is a pact you make. Some are immune to this cum magic, some are forever soul bonded very easily. Use it carefully.
27) Cum magic applies to masturbation alone too. If you cum to low quality stimulus like bad porn or depraved fetishes, you bind yourself to the urge to return to such stimulus. Be very careful.
28) You can accelerate your internal growth by incorporating archetypes and sub-selves in your masturbation abd fantasies. Cum to your healing anima. Cum to Jesus. Cum to past-self in traumatic events that you transform in your fantasy
29) Advice I gave to sister:
When you want dad to help you with man-jobs, you don't say "Can you build this ikea table for me, carry this sofa, fix the weird issue in my car." He'll refuse.
If you say "Hey I want to try to do this, can you give me advice?" he'll do it himself
Harness the power of mansplaining
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