



Four books of the New Testament

All written by the Apostle Paul

While he was in jail
Paul was responsible for thirteen books of the New Testament

And as influential in the growth of Christianity as any man in history

He was persecuted throughout his life as a preacher

And was eventually ordered to be put to death via decapitation by Nero
Every Christian pastor and priest should be well aware of this

Which makes it tragically hilarious that any would submit to government mandate to cease gathering

Not only is it a mockery of the First Amendment

It's an insult to the very origins of the church itself
Christianity doesn't exist without the martyrdom of Christ

Nor does it thrive without the sacrifice of most of the apostles

To say nothing of modern persecution

Owning a Bible in China can get you shot

Yet modern American churches cower in fear of fines or jail time
Western Civilization is on the brink of collapse

There's no better time for a revival

No greater opportunity for a crusade

And yet so few men of God exist to heed the call
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