Prigozhin, now fully a comic book villain, buys the debt of Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation, so that they now owe him 88 million rubles.

"I intend to strip naked the members of this group of unscrupulous people," he says.
"If Comrade Navalny dies, I will personally not pursue him in this world. I'll let it lie for a while. But later I'll get into it with full pleasure. If he lives, he must answer in the full measure of Russian law."
The debt relates to a legal case brought against Navalny and his team by a Prigozhin company. Navalny had published an investigation showing that the company was delivering bad food to Moscow schools and kindergartens.
The company allegedly lost an 88 million ruble contract because of his publication, sued for that amount, and won.

After losing the case, Navalny said he would liquidate his foundation. Then the psychodrama continued.
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