(Short thread) Unfortunately, I doubt they will. There's a fundamental problem with the Twitter LGBTQ+ community, they claim to want equality, but will put down heterosexuals at every turn (some are joking, but not all) and even worse, they're putting down their own. https://twitter.com/aaronfootage/status/1298402694491705351
It's sad that I should even have to say this about people that I know for a fact have gone through some kind of struggle due to being part of the LGBTQ+ community. But why is there so much infighting? Do you all not understand the meaning of equality?
You can't have equality by hating heterosexuals, especially when a fair amount of them never viewed you in the same hateful way. And you especially can't have equality by hating within your own community. The point of the LGBTQ+ community is to combine these causes.
It exists as a way to take all these struggles with sexuality and gender identification and give them a combined voice so the world accepts these people. And seeing as that includes straight allies as well, saying "I hate all straights" when a lot of them want to help your cause?
That's fucked. But not as sickening as knowing that you've gone through struggles involving your own sexuality/gender and yet look down on others for similar things. Equality means everyone needs to stand together. If you need to hate so bad that you can't do that, fuck you.
And I know I might catch shit for including discussions about straights in this thread, but if I do, congratulations, you're part of the problem. As I said, equality requires standing together, not flipping the cycle of hatred on its head. You should know better. I rest my case.
Edit: oops, that thread was not short, but I had to get all that out. Hopefully some of you take it to heart and get back to fighting for equality and stop hating each other so much. The world has enough hate. It could do with some love. Thread is over, if you read it, thank you.
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