Bitcoiners want role models that demonstrate Bitcoin progress.

There's no progress for Bitcoin in the INX offering, but there's support, progress and promotion for regulators and Eth.

It's quite literally anti-bitcoin, so the offerers should not be surprised people are upset.
The innovation here is Bitcoiners/multicoiners learning the benefits of the old fiat/gov system and capitulating to it in order to capitalize on the hype of blockchain and popularity of gambling use cases.
Designing for Bitcoin progress is not easy, and it is often not profitable. Very, very few people are even thinking that way anymore. We have consistent base layer dev progress, but open Bitcoin products, platforms, and ecosystems are neglected.
Where is my alternative economy? Why are Bitcoiners selling SEC eth tokens to Bitcoiners? What will these rich Bitcoiners do with their power from shilling this stuff? Make more custodial products?
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