Some real talk, plz read.

I haven't been blasting facts and screaming at the police for no reason.

We have to decry white supremacy, we have to use our voices. They have known white supremacy has been the real threat the whole time. PPB will 100% let people fucking kill us. /1
After I was ran over by a truck, the feds targeted me. Their security guards knew my name and explicitly said I was ran over because the driver feared for his life. I was standing in front of him at a red light- a whole other lane to go around me, asking streamers to capture- /2
Video of his truck because he hit protesters a couple weeks back.

Teens were murdered in the CHOP because of a police/gang set up. The CHOP was on a major known gang road. The police abandoned the East precinct in an attempt to let the neighborhood be overran with crime-/3
& refused to respond to the area INCLUDING ambulance and fire. GUYS the CHOP was created after the police left the precinct and left it unlocked to be overtaken.

Those kids died because the police left major gang territory to commit acts of violence and literally encouraged /4
Snitches and informants to target the CHOP for violence.

They also were working with the proud boys to also commit acts of terror and the same rhetoric as PDX, they stood by and watched.

What is happening in the #KenoshaUprising is what has quietly been happening all around the country. Trump has given a license for us to be killed and these police gangs and union thugs are perpetuating and planning all of this.

When I was on the ground for @riotribs /6
I camped with people who had the first tents up in the CHOP, I worked with CHOP security, we had tireless conversations about the mistakes made and the dangerous set ups.

I tirelessly was working in the background to ensure safety. I met black activists running for congress /7
We spent nights talking/crying together not sure how to keep going.

Make no mistake that DAnthony is a snitch working for the police. We had so many close calls camping in PDX for the 20 something days for shootings/people dying. Stuff happened that I cannot even talk about. /8
But you ALL need to be aware that Portland Police and the PPA is setting us up to be slaughtered.

This is happening nationwide- & people still may not be able to talk about what happened in the CHOP or in others areas around the US but it is happening and has been the whole /9

As they get more and more desperate to crush this #REVOLUTION this will only happen more and more. #SeattleProtests #PortlandProtests if you can go to #Kenosha go now.

We have to mobilize with experience.

We have to see this for what it is. We have to fight. /10
The Fascist state is here. #DonaldJTrump is committing atrocities that are perhaps the biggest threat to USA-ever.

As someone who worked with Wiki Leaks, and worked on keeping Julian Assange at the embassy- I will 100% tell you- this is the most dangerous time we have ever /11
Trump took the election using high-class tech to exploit 'patriots' Some marketing techniques were banned in the 40's/50's for being so effective and subliminal that it was considered mind control.

One of these were "flashing" pictures in a movie theater to influence/12
The customer subliminally to want a Hershey's bar. It would flash the screen so quickly that most movie watchers would would think it was their own thought.

Marketing is power. Trump uses high-class manipulation, tech, patriotism and Christianity to propagate /13
subliminally the Fascist state to the easily influenced sheeps of society.

We are the resistance. Efforts to have us murdered have been long underway. Trump has green-lit police union thugs to undermine local governments and allow right wing extremists to kill us.

He has- /14
Encouraged police departments to go rouge from state governments which had disastrous consequences in Seattle.

Police departments have less accountability than ever and the union thugs are doing whatever they can to encourage violence including working with snitches and /15
Informants with violent pasts and allowing them to perpetuate violence in areas of the protests.

Words cannot express how dangerous this has become. It will only be a matter of time before what had happened tonight in #Kenosa happens everywhere.

Trump has been /16
Manipulating and gas lighting his way to creating a violent militia for 5 years now.

Police departments, bureaus and unions everywhere support Trump and have been given permission to take this into their own hands. Trump has called for war over and over.

& Make no mistake-/17
This is war.

Trump has mobilized a militia to take out the protests using manipulation and marketing tactics to call for deadly force.

Trump perpetuated QAnon to take out his political adversaries. He was complicit.

The Fascist state is here.

We must stay strong . /18
This is an attack against the people by the President of the United States.

This is an attack against the people by police unions.

This is an attack against all who stand in Trumps way.

This is an attack against democracy.

This is an attack to keep us oppressed. /19
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