Re the drama that apparently unfolded while I was sleeping: unpopular opinion but I do believe in separatist radical feminism and that women should actively avoid to date and have sex with men. That being said, I know that the overwhelming majority of women won't give up a chance
at intimacy and that expecting them to would be 1) counter-productive and 2) probably turn many heterosexual women against feminism. So I do believe that the best course of action is giving women the tools to stand up for themselves in their romantic relationships with men,
whether that is, for example, through helping them navigate the sharing of domestic tasks (which in heterosexual couples is overwhelmingly the brunt of the female partner), sensibilizing them to what constitutes sexual violence (as it can be hard to distinguish rape from sex when
you regularly sleep consensually with your rapist, maybe you don't realize waking up with him in you is actually rape), or having safety measures in place for them to escape a relationship that has turned to abuse (many women in heterosexual relationships are unable to leave the
man who abuses them for financial reasons, for example.)

I believe that a radical feminist who does not want to leave their male partner needs to keep these things in mind and that they can participate in helping out women who are not radical feminists navigate them. There is
something to be said for the fact that a non-feminist het-partnered woman whose relationship is abusive will most likely listen to a feminist who is also het-partnered because she would not be able to dismiss that feminist's concerns with things such as "you just don't know what
you are talking about, you do not date men, my relationship is perfectly normal."

Moreover, if the man a radfem is dating is willing to do the work to unlearn his misogynistic tendencies, one could argue that this relationship could have direct use towards building a more equal
society since the patriarchy's hold is so strong I doubt we will defeat it without male allies, especially in cultures where women have not made any of the strides we are lucky to enjoy in the West.

To sum it up while I am personally pro-separatism, I am also pragmatic and know
it won't be doable for the majority of women. Het-partnered radical feminists who can have a critical analysis of their own romantic and/or sexual relationship with a man will be able to actively reach other women in a way single women or women with female partners would probably
not be able to and we mustn't alienate them.

Just my two cents no one asked for. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
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