Here’s probably one of my only political rants I’ll post because I know there is always someone out there who wants to tell me I’m wrong but it’s my *opinion* meaning it doesn’t have to match your *opinion*:
This entire one party vs the other thing is bullshit. ......
Here’s why:
If you look at rural areas, the people in those areas are more likely to be conservative. Why? Because conservatives tend to push policies and ideas that benefit rural areas greatly. While people in more urban, big city areas are more likely to be liberal because
Liberal beliefs tend to reflect areas of larger populations.
Now, obviously, it isn’t cut and dry and you’ll find people of all political backgrounds basically everywhere, but this is why the entire 2 party system is complete bullshit.
Why can’t we aim to represent ALL people,
Why can’t we aim to simply meet in the middle on the big arguments? Why can’t we compromise?
Working behind the bar, I hear people’s political beliefs pretty much daily, and they’re passionate for what they believe in. So it’s not like expecting everyone to simply “choose a side”
Is even feasible.
I want to be able to see all people in mind when it comes to a reflection in our government. But a complete reset of how things are done is not an overnight process. And realistically won’t be solved by the election.
*side note*
Human rights shouldn’t even be an argument and it’s upsetting we live in a society that even attempts to try to argue that.
And on that note, I want to open up this thread to anyone who maybe wants to rebuttal respectfully, or also put in their 2 cents.
It’s hard to listen to all the hate, and just wanted to put my perspective out there.
You can follow @MAD150N1.
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