what is art for if not for being seen and appreciated. anyways marble Eddie i know you're alive and i see you
Eddie didn't die in neibolt, not really. he was transformed, his body turned to marble, a strong material probably capable of surviving a big collision. strong, but sophisticated. soft and smooth, yet hard and durable. sounds familiar?
Eddie turns to marble bc he's supposed to live. he finally proves how brave he is, how hard he can be in spite of everyone telling him he's delicate and fragile. he's not, he might show a soft and smooth surface but he's SO STRONG.
by transforming into marble, into this work of art, he's showing the world his true self. but of course, being buried under neibolt doesn't help. he's just a work of art waiting for someone to see him. to acknowledge him. to see his value. art needs to be seen.
and Eddie WILL be seen. Richie is not giving up on him, because he caught a glimpse of him, right before It got him. even if the world makes it harder and harder to see art, it can't make it dissapear. someone always finds it. it's just a matter of time until Richie do.
full disclosure this thread was inspired by this art right here that pulled my heart out of my chest and made me emotional at 3 in the morning https://twitter.com/LemonMclarens/status/1291138632057868302?s=20
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