The problem here with the ifans gathered here after The Untamed is most of them got to know Yibo&XZ through this drama&their perspective to everything is based on the characters they played.
They think yibo had it easy, XZ has it tough, IR Yibo's journey is much longer & harsher
What's going on with XZ is a glitch in his journey. I'm sure he will bounce back and he's focusing on his work. I understand his fans are upset but that's no reason to feel resentful of Yibo's current growth which is long over due, he has endured such problems many times before.
Just because ifans know them both from the same show doesn't mean you can balance both their journey on the same scale. They are different people with different lives, skills & experiences. If you feel more sympathetic towards one that's ok, you can love one without hating other
I see some new fans being influenced to feel angry towards yibo for his success when xz isn't. That's very malicious. We all know Xz was/is successful after the show. Nobody robbed him of anything he deserves, what happened with AO3 was between fans, netizens and later antis.
This has nothing to do with Yibo. Yibo was famous to some extent before the show & it was propelled further after the success of the show. Some Ifans don't know or don't care to know about his journey, that's ok but you don't get to trashtalk his journey or invalidate his success
This narrative of 'why is Yibo successful xz is not ? He must have stolen it! Omg we must fight the world for XZ, everyone is out there to end him' narrative being slowly planted everywhere on SM is really gross & manipulative & very immature if that's how you want to earn fans
Yibo and his journey has nothing to do with this. What's between fans should stay between fans. You don't have to support yibo if you don't recognize his talent and journey. And you also don't get to invalidate his past, his struggles or earned success and maligning his identity
The 'Success' ppl talk about here is flimsy and wavering. The real success is growth and skills. And yibo got plenty of that and will continue to accumulate. Also there are not only 2 artists in c-ent. There are countless competitions u can allude fake theories, why target Yibo ?
Do take a step back and see Yibo and XZ outside of this over-magnified lens of The Untamed. It might make you realize that Yibo doesn't have to steal anything from anyone & even if he didn't do the projects he is currently doing it would definitely not go to XZ but somebody else
They are not even each other's competition. Even their competitors are from different circles. The only reason Yibo is being targeted on the ifan circle is because he is the only other known artist they can pin their blame on. Except The Untamed there is no other correlation.
My only problem here is I don't mind if ifans don't know much about Yibo but they're being given falsified information on how to hate Yibo, picturing a villainous image of him just to show someone else a victim. The baggage is getting bigger, infecting more ppl with the new lies
This constant hate-mongering needs to die down. Any artist can succeed with their talent. No need to play sjw on behalf of your fav by spreading negativity and hate for others. Enough with the bot accounts and spamming his work videos with conspiracy theories & manipulation.
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