This is a Shuake /characterization headcanon. Ren is used to people leaving him, taking what they need from him and going on their way. He’s scared to hold on too tightly because oftentimes when you’re scared or desperate not to lose someone and you show it, they still leave-
anyways. Sometimes your desperation for them not to go is what drives them away. So I think Ren would love people like crazy when they’re with him but he wouldn’t let himself cling bc he’s terrified of losing them. Loving is heavily associated for him with letting go. So if they-
choose to be with him / spend time with him, great, but if not he won’t push. Goro on the other hand is not used to having things / people so I think when he did love someone he‘d hold on very tightly. I see him as pretty possessive, especially when it comes to his partner /-
rival, even though he doesn’t really show it until 3rd sem / around Sumi. I think this is bc he thinks his feelings can’t possibly be requited and he’s good at hiding them. On the other hand, I think Goro was the first person Ren really wanted to hold on to, enough to break his-
rule of not clinging or holding too tight (i.e., 2/2). In the end Goro still leaves which I think would tear Ren to pieces bc he thought he was ok with loving & letting go & could suppress the inevitable feelings of abandonment but it didn’t work. I def see Goro coming back when-
he’s ready and them getting together. I think Ren would still be scarred from 2/2 and scared to cling bc Goro could still leave but as time goes on and Goro stays, Ren gets more comfortable being clingy and possessive without fearing that it’ll drive Goro away and Goro encourages
this like crazy because the idea of Ren being desperate for him and wanting him to stay (which he gets a hint of on 2/2) would light up all the striations in his heart, esp bc I don’t think he could even began to fathom how desperately Ren missed/wanted him until 2/2 bc of-
self-deprecation and doubt. Gosh, mutually possessive clingy Shuake is my jam. They’d be so protective of each other after everything too. Sorry this thread ran on for so long. I just want possessive Goro and clingy Ren so bad 😭.
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