Hear me out but don't take me seriously:

Seems like a good time to bring up that Tim Donaghy admitted to throwing games in Oct 2006 - Apr 2007, and in that time he didn't call any ref more than 13 times. Well, except for Scott Foster, who he called 134 times. https://twitter.com/andyblarsen/status/1298448847975223297
Why is this relevant? Scott Foster was the lead official in two of these games so far, game 5, where he called a pretty crucial travel call above, and game 1, where he called a pretty crucial 8 second violation.
I'm not saying that they're incorrect calls, in fact the 8 second was pretty cut and dry. But I'm not sure many other refs are watching these things so keenly... Call hunting.
Remember - the way that games were "thrown" via Donaghy was that in the refs' gameplan, they would bring up specific issues that would normally go unnoticed. Donaghy has given example of AI carrying the ball.

Sounds like a couple of moving screens being called tonight 🤔
Of course the only thing the Jazz can control is how they play, and they needed to play better and with more urgency tonight. Hell if Royce had just shot this three, the game could've been much different.

That said, get Scott Foster OUT OF THE LEAGUE.
Also, don't get me wrong, the Jazz have gotten the benefit of the whistle more times than not in this series prior to game 5. If either team has been advantaged by the refs, it's been Utah.
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