Mother Teresa was a celebrity with a very well-managed brand. Ask most people what they think about her and they'll say something vague about what a "good person" she was, how benevolent, self-sacrificing & generally lovely.

I have absolute sympathy with this stance; that's been the pretty consistent throughout the news coverage of her, both in life and after death.

She was involved in some very shady business practices. Her clinics received millions in donations yet their conditions were appalling.
There was a disturbing shortage of medical care, Systematic diagnosis and necessary nutrition. As well as a decided lack of painkillers. Teresa once told a cancer patient "Pain means Jesus is near you...Suffering is an opportunity to share in the passion of Christ."
Teresa compared suffering to kisses from Jesus to which the patient replied, "please tell Jesus to stop kissing me".

Christopher Hitchens who wrote the extended essay The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in theory and practice, In one article he wrote,
"Mother Teresa was not a friend of the poor; she was a friend of poverty.

She said the suffering was a gift of god. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty,which is the empowerment of women and the liberation of them from a livestock version of reproduction."
She opted to receive advanced western treatment for her heart condition when she routinely denied even painkillers toner patients. She wasn't working to alleviate poverty She was working to expand the no. of Catholics. She said, "I'm not a social worker. I do it for Christ."
Teresa also had some rather dubious political contacts. She's accused of accepting financial grants from Duvalier dictatorship which is deemed responsible for murders of over 30000 Haitians.
Her allegiance was not with the sick but with the church & she spread Catholicism at the expense of health, comfort and humanity of her patients. Her hospitals became known as houses of dying where she & her sisters would baptize the ailing without their consent & understanding.
They were out to make converts and not save lives.

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