my grandma/grandpa unfriended me on facebook, my mom’s posts are getting worse and worse so at this point I don’t expect to be visiting home for a long time. I’m over it. politics will literally rip a family apart but I just can’t stand their justification anymore.
my bro is a gun nut, my sister is trans but my parents vote republican (plz try to explain that one), when kavanaugh was being accused my dad lectured my brother and I and looked me dead in the face and said “how would you feel if your brother was falsely accused??” meanwhile —
he’s never even bothered to ask me about my history, he doesn’t even realize his own daughter was sexually assaulted under his own roof under his protection, he doesn’t know the harassment i’ve endured my whole fucking life. I’m so over the lack of effort to even see the other—
viewpoint and how it’s literally destroying women’s rights, tran’s rights, or POC. he didn’t see me bawling the night trump rolled back birth control protections for employers, or the fear I CONSTANTLY feel when I think about me or other women who could need access to abortion.
it’s gotten so bad that I tip toe when visiting them and even still my mom will drop comments that purposefully incite arguments and guess what? I don’t argue with my mother so she can say what she wants and I have to sit quietly and take it.
this thread is just pointless venting and I’ll probably delete it tomorrow but if anyone else knows this feeling, please know you’re not alone and the pain of feeling your family slip away sucks really bad. 💔
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