10 Things You Should Know Before You Enter In Web Development

A Thread🧵
1. Googling

Working on real-world projects in industries will teach us the most important skills in programming i.e. Googling. We can save a lot of time if we know-how and what to google to find a solution for a creatin problem and to fix some specific issue.
2. We Can’t Learn Everything

We listen from here and there that this language or that framework is popular and then we try to learn everything which is a wrong decision. Understand that we can’t learn everything.
3. Writing an Easy Code is More Important than Writing Fancy Code

We try to write fancy or complex code just for the show off how well we can code. Understand that it’s important to keep our code simple. A simple and clean code is always easy to understand and easy to modify.
4. We are Lazy in Doing Proper Testing

We are lazy and don’t enjoy the proper testing of the module in their job. It also happens that if there is a deadline mentioned for developers then they try to build the module first and sacrifice a few testing in their project.
5. A Specific Time Estimation Not Always Works

In development when sometimes we need to build a feature we think that it will take just 3-4 hours but in some cases when we start working on that feature, we realize that our project flow doesn’t allow us to get this little feature
6. You will Laugh Looking at Your Own Old Code

When we beginners enter into programming we write a lot of messy code. We just really want to fix the things and if the code works, it’s fine. Now we also realise that good software is not just about making things work.
7. Fixing the Bug is a Time-Consuming Process

We take a lot of time to fix the bugs and the reason why it happens is “we don’t know where to look and what to look for?”. Slowly once we start understanding the flow of a project and some debugging technique we get better at fixing
8. We Can’t Memorize Everything

Memorizing each tag of HTML or syntax of your programming language is not a good idea in development.
Beginners, make this mistake a lot and their progress becomes slow. Understand that we don’t need to memorize everything.
9. You Need to Be a Good Problem Solver

This is one of the most important things every newbie programmer should consider in development. Our problem-solving technique is much more important and valuable for a company. We will be paid to solve the problems not to write the code.
10. We will Be Reading a Lot

We will be spending a lot of time reading about new technology, tools, and best practices. We will be spending time staying up to date with the things happening in the industry.

Happy Coding💕
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