I have been keeping quiet for too long but I’m finally speaking up.
My ex ISAAC has been harassing me and my s/o for months now. not only has he been harassing us but threatening/ exposing my nudes. A THREAD
this disgusting person won’t leave me alone. We broke up literally 3 years ago. He has been sending my s/o death threats and being extremely transphobic towards him
We have been getting stalked by him and his friend MARQUEL. I was honestly scared for my life so I decided to move to SOCAL from NORCAL and the harassment was still going on. They hacked into my s/o phone and used his mental illness and personal info against him
this thread is going to be all over the place. I’m shaking as I type this because I just got a message from my ex. Btw he is using a texting app to contact me bc I have his number blocked.
It all started in APRIL. MARQUEL made an “exposing” page to talk shit to my s/o about me and him. They think I wouldn’t know who was behind it but I’m not stupid lol.
You can follow @taniadiamandis.
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