1. There are no benefits to faking plurality.

Socially? Nope! Financially? Nope! Medically? Nope! Legally! NOPE.

Even if your system has a positive relationship with plurality, the world is hostile to plural folks. There are no real benefits to pretending to be plural. 1/6
2. Faking/pretending involves deceit. You can’t accidentally fake plurality. Period, full stop, do not pass go. In order to fake plurality, you have to KNOW you’re not and intentionally set out to make people think you are. This is NOT COMMON, and not even worth discussing. 2/6
3. You can be mistaken, but that’s not faking. Sometimes people think they’re plural because it made sense at the time, or it turned out to be another condition, or really were plural but no longer are. And that’s okay. It’s not pretending. Your experiences are real. 3/6
4. There are many ways to be plural, and many ways to become plural. If your system doesn’t fit a specific origin, or diagnostic criteria, that’s not faking! That’s a normal variation in plurality! NO ONE knows all of what causes plurality, or entirely how it works. 4/6
5. “More than one” covers a huge range of experiences. Your& plurality may be very different; that doesn’t mean it’s fake. From fully separate and overtly different to almost-singlet-but-not and covert, that’s plurality, and it’s not faking. 5/6
Of faking!

Just because a system works differently than yours doesn’t mean they’re faking. Focus on your own garbage, and leave other systems alone.

Cannibalizing your own community won’t save you from bigotry. 6/6
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