All night it’s been soaring brass and strings and flag draped log cabins and now it’s a Melania intro video and I’m not 100% sure it’s not a trailer for a rom-com
Though I do think she’s the first one to have mentioned Covid as more than an aside
Also since were meant to talk about her fashion gotta hand it to her, she’s nailing dictator chic here. Olive drab and military pocketing/belt/lapels are surely one thing you could choose to wear as the wife of a man who’s making jokes about not accepting election results
Wait. It was saved by the bell but updated. That was the opening of that video.
You know what’s gonna piss off trump

The number of thinkpieces tomorrow from his choirboys who are gonna be saying Melania is a way better orator than he is. He hates being upstaged and she’s got way better writers and way better delivery
There’s literally no way you could deliver a speech about trump being the best candidate that wasn’t mostly bollocks but as far as this convention seems to be going this might be the only speech we hear where someone talks about actual problems without blaming Biden for them
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