If you see the guns most Indian revolutionaries used, it would inevitably be the German Mauser. The reason is a daring operation known as the Rodda Company Arms Heist that was executed on 26th Aug 1914 by the Anushilan Samiti, the underground group operatingro in Bengal.
Bipin Bihari Ganguly, Anukul Chandra Mukherjee & Shrish Mitra alias Habu were the ring-leaders. Shirish took a job with the Rodda gun company & reported that a large consignment of arms of arms was arriving in Calcutta which included 50 Mauser C96 pistols & 46,000 bullets
The plan was simple. The company consignment was to be transported from the dock to the warehouse in 6 bullock carts. They had a 7th cart join the procession. The Mauser pistols & ammo were loaded on this by Habu, & once they headed back, the last cart went another way.
The guns & ammunition were then distributed & hidden in many colleges, including Hindu hostel, Law College & shops, some even in the home of GD Birla for a short while.
The Rodda Arms heist caused a sensation & really shook the British police. It deserves to be remembered!
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