Hey, fellow teachers: if you record your class sessions (which you probably should), it is a violation of your students’ rights under FERPA to require them to 1) turn their camera on, 2) turn their microphone on, 3) present to the virtual class, or 4) CONTRIBUTE TO THE CHAT.
As such, you cannot penalize them for exercising their rights. I don’t like teaching to a blank screen any more than you do, but what makes you think your discomfort is more important than the rights of your students?
Suggestions: 1) Don’t record while taking attendance. 2) Pause/stop recording while taking comments, questions, responses, presentations, etc. 3) Have students respond via Google Classroom/Canvas/email/Flipgrid/Padlet or similar.
4) Schedule one-on-one meetings with students or have them record themselves if you require presentations. 5) Print out photos of your favorite celebrities and tape them to your monitor, so you have someone to teach to.
You can follow @ACHSMrG.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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