A car hit a sidewalk & wipes out 5 rows of outdoor seating at a restaurant today.

& Cuomo thinks outdoor learning is smart.
There are neighborhoods with gun violence in broad daylight regularly.

There are schools in that neighborhood. But those children are supposed to be okay with being in that environment?
There are kids who have made bad choices (BECAUSE THEY ARE KIDS). They’re supposed to just sit outside in that open area & let anybody walk them down?
What about kids with allergies? What about kids with health conditions?

Has Cuomo ever been near a 5 year old who’s being approached by an insect? They’re supposed to maintain composure AND keep a mask on? Are you dumb?
If remote learning was going so well (according to those statistics), why can’t we continue it until schools are safe to return to?
It took the state & city government months to come up with a plan (a very stupid plan at that).

Then they wanna turn around & give principals & teachers 4 days to come up with an alternate plan if they don’t agree to the terms of the dumbass original plan.

Dumb shit.
Where are kids gonna have lunch?

If indoors, why couldn’t they have classes indoors?

If outdoors, how would teachers take lunch?
What if there’s a lunatic that lives on the block of outdoor learning?

Don’t they think it would be easy for that jackass to harm the children?

Isn’t school supposed to be a safe environment?
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