What pple don't wanna talk abt is how spoiled and immature kids see the LGBT as some fun club to join.

They know full & damn well that they don't fit the criteria to "join" (and it's not even THAT strict. It's just "don't be heterosexual" that's it)

So they make up identities
They make up these new identities, crap like "nOn BiNaRy" and "dEmIsExUal" bcs they they're just these bored heterosexual immature pple that don't feel special enough.

They're like kids being envious of other kids bcs they have braces or walk on crutches.

That's a real thing.
What the fuck is a dEmIsExUal if not a normal, non promiscuous heterosexual?

So you literally can't have sex with someone who u don't know. U need a certain amount of time and familiarity before u're ready to bust it open.

Okay and? Why the fuck u need the rainbow flag?
So u're qUeEr and or qUeStIoNinG.

Queer and Questioning aren't fucking sexualities and u can't go yo whole damn life all the way into your 50s being queer or questioning.

What the fuck are you if not a closeted gay or a normal biscurious or closeted bisexual?
So u're nOn BiNaRy.

U feel that u're neither a man nor woman. According to you you fall under the trans uMbReLlA.

Listen here u narcissistic lil terd. There is no damn umbrella. U either have dysphoria or u don't. End of discussion. This is a damn psychosis not a sPeCtRuM
I'd slap u over the head if I culd but just imagine that I did.

Stop using the trans community to validate ur imaginary identity.

These pple have REAL LIVES in the REAL WORLD & no. U're not helping anybody by mixing up ur shitty personal identity with their real lives
What's wrong with just saying you're androgenous? What's wrong with just saying you're a gender bender? That you're a feminine man or masculine woman?

Why the fuck u gotta act like a spoiled child and need to be praised just for being a literal man in a dress?
Listen. U're not nearly as important, special, "different" or eye catching as you'd like to think you are.

What u're doing has been done before. The only difference between then & now is that back then no 1 was eager to make a big show of aCcEpTiNg u to prove how woke they are.
Live in reality and accept your mediocrity and normality.

Accept that you're a normal, everyday, run of the mill, white heterosexual.

That's okay. It's MORE than okay.

Being a basic white person doesn't mean u're a villain or insignificant.

U're okay & u're gonna be okay
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