I was interested in anti-abortion activist @AbbyJohnson claim that "80% of planned parenthood facilities are strategically located in minority neighborhoods". At first I thought - "oh, you mean cities." But it goes beyond that...
SO 10 years ago an anti abortion site looked at the location of different planned parenthood clinics and concluded that 79% were within 2 miles of "a minority neighborhood." How they defined "minority neighborhood" is nuts.
Here it is. It means that bc there is a census tract in Portland Maine with 13% Black residents that counts as a "targeted minority neighborhood. " This despite the fact that only 8.5% of Portland Me's residents are Black - Still Margaret Sanger's ghost is targeting them!
Here are some other almost all white places that this ridiculous project claims represents targeting minorities, a claim repeated and laundered at the RNC
By this standard Planned Parenthood is targeting minorities by opening clinics in Sioux City Iowa (80% White) Boise Idaho (82% White) and Lincoln Nebraska (79%).
It is actually impossible not to situate a clinic in most major cities that isn't within 2 miles of any census tract that has over 12% Latino or Black population. Planned Parenthood is not targeting minorities, they're serving Americans, 40% of whom happen to be non-white.
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