tw // racism towards east asians, mention of anti-east asian racial slurs, mention of war and violence

why "rat" is a slur

it has come to my attention that some people don't know this! i'm trying to get some more info, but this is what i know!
please keep in mind that this term is used as a racial slur towards east asians and that when you insult us with this term you are perpetuating the racism this term carries.
it's been used as far back as world war II to refer to asians, especially japanese men, with roots in the belief that asians are disease-carriers/sick, like rats. (back in gold-rush era australia, they believed that asians’ skin was yellow because of leprosy.)
here are some photos that provide more info ++ also why we dont use jap, we use JPN (as in japan / japanese)
propaganda :
(of course with this thread, i do not mean the animal rat, i meant the use of the term as a SLUR)
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