I have more information on this & it's a worrying trend to me. This is happening in Lancet journals.

1. The author submits the manuscript to the journal. They see it's marked compliant with our #openaccess policy & see that the Lancet has an OA option on their website https://twitter.com/ashleydfarley/status/1298352059624722432
2. The manuscript is accepted

3. The author asks to make sure that paper is OA to comply with their funder mandate

4. The journal responds that the article type has been picked that does not allow for OA so unfortunately their request is denied
5. The author responds that they have a funder mandate & that they WANT the paper OA regardless

6. The journal points out that the funder mandate only cover primary research & their paper was designated as another article type - again request denied
7. The author reaches out to their funder for help. They do not understand what the issue is. They want the funder to advocate for the open access option. After all the funder have committed to paying the high priced APC.
8. Meanwhile the authors have signed over copyright. All requests of OA are denied from the journal. The journal really does not care what the funder OR the author wants.
9. The journal offers a watered down option of data-walling the article for a period of time.

No one but the journal is happy with this out come.
If the authors aren't able to pick the article type this has to just serve the journals needs? I worry that this is a loop hole for publishers to keep paywalling content that should be open access. The authors are asking for it!!
Really disappointed in these experiences from @TheLancet

It makes staff & authors think our open access policy is the issue and they are disappointed that I cannot help them. It makes me look ineffective at my job. I have begun to tell them to avoid these journals & they agree.
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