Can people just act right for 70 more days. That’s all we have left. 70 more days.

You’re not forming a third fucking party in 70 days for the love of fuck.
Some of ya’ll were yammering about DemExit four years ago. FOUR YEARS. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? WHERE IS THIS THIRD PARTY?

Oh but it’s gonna come together real nice like in the next 70 days. Jesus fucking christ.
Disappointed Bernie stans don’t own the left. There are more people on the left than just people with roses in their profiles.
You’re screaming about corporate Democrats because you know if you scream at the Black voters that put Biden and Harris on the ticket, you’ll look like a fucking racist ding dong.

The opposite of “corporate democrats” isn’t “THE LEFT.”

It’s progressive or social democrats ffs
Because really what you want to say is “Biden voters vs. the Left.” And that takes us back to Black voters vs. the left as if Black voters aren’t on the left. As if Black voters haven’t been forced to make shitty choices for decades.

ugh. I’m sick of all of it.
I’m probably not even making sense, but I’m just sick of entitled white dudes spewing their bullshit all over this place in search of patreon subscriptions and clout.
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