I resent the "donald trump cares so much about the lives of ordinary and downtrodden ppl" more than anything else.
It's very interesting to me that *anybody* would get on tv and talk about how good the economy is right now...
but it BLOWS MY MIND that ppl in AGRICULTURE would make these claims.
Maddow said there's a hole in the lineup b/c a scheduled speaker tweeted something antisemitic today.
Is Franklin Graham's daughter on tv making an argument for more Jesus in...everything?


I hate evangelicals. I'm not even kidding.

I don't waver on this thing at all.
I get that deregulation is one of the right's sacred cows, but it's really hard to reconcile these broad calls for it across MULTIPLE platforms and industries with...

you know...

And I'm not talking Upton Sinclair rat shit in sausage casings history.

I'm talking Bear Stearns history. I'm talking Lehman Bros history. I'm talking competing crises in the auto and housing industries as recently as 2007 history.
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