The problem isn't with the American Dream

The problem is with the American Dreamer

We don't teach our kids HOW to dream and then craft concrete plans that they can achieve.

We say "anything is possible," and set them adrift not knowing how the world works or their place in it
And then, inevitably when they struggle and fail to claim their proper place at the forefront of our society, leading the way boldly into a brighter future, like all the politicians say in their speeches, we blame their entire generation for being lazy, or naive or old fashioned.
I'm tired of the division.
I'm tired of the school shootings.
I'm tired of our brothers and sisters being gunned down in their homes and in the street by the people sworn to protect them.
I'm tired of the willful ignorance masquerading as Patriotism.

I would love to have an honest debate with real conservatives about the direction of the country, without having to block them because they called me a "libtard" or they block me because I called them a "fascist"

idc if this gets any attention, just ranting.

Much love to all.
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