Let's talk about how the Democrats, leftists, and Black Lives Matter made media gaslighting impossible.

@realDonaldTrump goaded them all into doing exactly what he wanted.
(The video is beginning in the middle for me. If it is for you too, sorry. I can't fix it for some reason.)
At any rate, here's why media gaslighting is impossible.

Two reasons:

First, leftists have made "protest" synonymous with "riot."

The press can call them protests all they want.

Every single American now thinks "riot" when we hear of ANY leftist protest.
And the second reason the media can't gaslight is that leftists are PROUD of what they're doing, so they're PUBLICIZING it.

And Democrats are defending it.

Game over.
This is EXACTLY what the press is presenting to us:

One of my favorite YouTube channels is Demolition ranch.

Listen for how many times they say "peaceful."

Now, they're part of a culture, but that culture is NOT deliberately exclusive.

It simply exists.

Us outsiders can LOVE THAT CULTURE and let THEM live in it.

They aren't trying to force THEIR culture on the rest of us.
What they valuer above all else is freedom.

And they're all mentally as strong as rampaging bulls.

The press can't gaslight us into thinking the psychotically violent weaklings trying to dominate us by force are good citizens.

We instantly reject that narrative.
The key to gaslighting is to present a PLAUSIBLE narrative.

You make the target of the gaslighting doubt their own perceptions.

The Democratic and media narrative is so implausible that it's completely deranged.
Especially when we see that the "defenders" of black people are virulent racists who tell black people to obey them.

They attack black people with racist slurs.
No sane person will accept the Democratic and media narrative.

The actions of the rioters can't be defended under any circumstances.


Gaslighting only works on mentally enfeebled people.

Battered spouses. Traumatized people. Drugged people.
The fatal error the Democrats and media made was to ASSUME that what works on them works on the rest of us.

Trump-haters call his supporters a "cult."

Not even close.
Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton came up with the best definition of a cult I've seen.

A cult has three characteristics:
1. A charismatic living leader who is an object of worship; has no accountability; and is the single defining element, source of power, and authority for the group.
2. A process of indoctrination based on coercive thought reform, requiring members to do things that are not in their own best interest but are in the best interest of the leader first and the group second.
3. Economic, sexual, and other exploitation of group members by the leader, including labor violations, child abuse, medical neglect, calls for violence, and sometimes mass suicide.
ONCE AGAIN, we see that Trump supporter is an ANTI-CULT.

How about the other side?

Woo doagie.

How many elements of a cult does leftism have?

You do the math.
Trump wants all his supporters to be INFORMED and supportive of their OWN FREE WILL.

No cult leader or fascist or dictator wants that.

The Democratic strategy is driving away DEMOCRATS.

A lot of you ask, "What about the violence after Trump wins?"

I'll tell you what:
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