Interesting article. However does not dwell into how poverty can impact rich people in various ways. Many of the areas frequented by the rich such as malls, theatres, etc have poor workers such as watchmen, etc who may pass on infections because they didn’t get treated 1/n
That might seem easy but worse would be long term cognitive deficiency that may impact the rich in ways not understood because we live in a highly connected society. On highways, Truck drivers may take decisions that may result in accidents with people in SUVs losing lives 2/n
Those decisions may be due poor reasoning, reaction times, etc. Many consume food off the shelves that has been packed by people at the lower end of the chain who may have been poor in their childhood. Decisions taken by them may impact safety of what you eat! 3/n
The poor impact the poor also. Drivers of rickshaws or Buses can take critical decisions causing accidents. The water supply chain or the plumbing or electrical wiring, etc can be the outcome of decisions or work of those who don’t think about long term impacts 4/n
Simply put - We need to ensure equality by ensuring good health of those who cannot afford it too. This must begin early in prepregnancy and infancy since executive function develops in preschool years. Interventions later in life have less impact. 5/n
The rich are not doing a favor by ensuring equality. They are just ensuring that they live a better life by taking care of the have nots. Not advocating socialism as it impedes progress. Advocating equal opportunity and against silo building which often the rich engage in. 6/n
I have not even touched criminal activity and substance abuse that may happen in more poor sections that does impact the rich. Just talking about regular law abiding folks that are the have nots. Having high crime has high costs too! 7/n - end of thread
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