How a five star hotel ( @PostOakUptown) said “lol sorry u feel that way” when I tried confront their racism: A Thread
I am no stranger to five star hotels or luxury accommodations. That to say I KNOW what good service looks like and what to expect when staying at these hotels
and id be lying if I say I’ve never felt prejudice when staying at nicer places BUT THIS was an entirely different level of bullshit…..
It started when my friends arrived in Valet. I drive a Tesla so my door was immediately opened, bags taken care of, water offered, etc
One of my friends (who was right behind me) drives a Ford Fusion. Sis watched as valet took care of the Mercedes Benz RIGHT behind her and she was left on her own to take her bags….
My black friends were charged $11 an hour for Valet while my white and hispanic friends were charged $6 for the first 2 hours…we all arrived at the same exact time….
From the MOMENT we arrived in the lobby we had the entire staff starting at us. One came up and asked “Hi, are you guests of this hotel?” Yet said nothing to the white couple who entered right before us...
From the restaurant, to the pool (which we were denied access), to the spa, etc. All of the staff was watching us, asking us if we needed help, restricting our presence
It got so bad that the manager followed my photographer friend to his car “For security purposes”
The worst was letting ppl come up to my room. My non black guests? No problems or questions asked. My black guests? Were asked why they were there, for theirs IDs and had to get on call verification from me
This plus several other micro aggressions continued on AND WHEN I BROUGHT IT TO THE ATTN OF THE MANAGER SHE SAID:

“Covid is very serious and I can’t bend the rules for anyone” I was like huh? Sis Im not talking about covid I’m talking about yalls racism?? Did u even listen???
When I ask her again she says “Our staff doesn’t see in color. we treat everyone the same”

Me: So you think I’m making all this up?

Her: *Shrugs and continues to do other work* I’m sorry you and your friends felt that way but thats not something we would ever do ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
***FYI: “Im sorry you feel that way” is one of the most invalidating, gaslighting, non responsibility taking apologies you could EVER make***
I ask for her bosses contact information and she says that she doesn’t have access to it. Interesting! She then mumbles that she’s not about to get fired for this and I do wonder if she’s up for a bet!!!!!!!!!
Most current update: I’ve sent a request online asking for her bosses email and I haven’t heard back. Posting this thread bc ill be sick if another POC spends thousands of dollars at this rude ass hotel again
I will say tho some of the staff was extremely sweet to us. I wish I could separate them from their rude ass colleagues but alas

I’ll keep you guys posted if this gets to a resolution butttttttt the way they were treating us I doubt they give a single fuck :)
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