Kate's first album The Kick Inside was released in 1978 but I don't think it made its way to the U.S. until 1979 when I first heard it, instantly enamored. These two songs are some favorites from this album. The Saxophone Song was recorded in '75 when 17.
#KateBush writes all her songs. Wrote her first noticed by David Gilmour at 13yo, starting at 11. I started writing songs, nothing close to her musical genius, when around 8. I begged for piano lessons when 4, but soon after was recommended I stop, told natural ear it would ruin.
But, I lost it as far as an ability to play and write. That's okay. Later, life gave me my child. Even better. I wrote T, I miss you! I love you! Replied with this and, I miss you and love you more! From preteen on, rare to ever hear those words, especially with "more" - beaming!
It's a shyness... in a way... and a little more complex. But, nothing against me. Just a stubborn habit never really outgrown. Too much in life thrown our way, but we have so much we're bonded with. So much. Alexandria says we're a lot alike. T doesn't like that, lol. It's true.
The Gentle Barn opened August 25, '99 so today is the 21st anniversary shared with John Lewis Thunderheart! 🐼 He's better but lungs still healing. Ellie shares photos & memories from over the years. I'm similar to Ellie in a lot of ways regarding animals! https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=959864867794481&notif_id=1598403929713827&notif_t=live_video_explicit
I'll probably be deleting this thread of tweets. I'm kinda lonely today, fighting pain and symptoms, and reminiscing a little myself. At 8, I was infatuated with the cows behind our yard... I love cows. But, a lot of other animal care involvement over the years. Too much to list.
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