This is the time.

We will never get a better opportunity to break the two-party duopoly that's got a stranglehold on our politics. More ppl will be doing mail-in ballots. Both candidates of the 2 major parties are loathed to a degree that they haven't been in some time.
We are in the middle of a pandemic and both parties have abandoned us to fend for ourselves. There has been a national uprising against police violence towards Black ppl. We are on the verge of devastating climate change. Mass shootings continue to kill us unabated.
There is a greater consciousness of all the things wrong in this country and the need to fix them. And there is a great swelling of anger not only at the incumbent POTUS but also at the Democratic Party for rigging the primary - again! - and giving us a candidate who is...
...pushing for more police funding, for austerity, will veto M4A, is a racist and a rapist.

The time is NOW. Not in another 4 years, not a nebulous time in the future. NOW.

There is 1 ticket left in the POTUS race who actually cares about the ppl.
Howie Hawkins of the #GreenParty and his running mate, Angela Walker.

They have a #COVID19 response plan that actually sees our needs met.

They call for:
- a $20/hr minimum wage.
- community control of police and reinvestment into BIPOC communities.
- a true #GreenNewDeal with zero-net emissions by 2030.
- cutting the obscenely bloated military budget by 75%
- ranked-choice voting
- voting rights for felons
- legalizing marijuana
- decriminalizing sex work
- reinvigorating social security, not cutting or privatizing it
Now the establishment will tell you that there's no chance that a third party candidate can win the POTUS, and that voting for them is a "waste of your vote" and "helping Trump."

They're wrong. 
Not only is the Green Party on enough ballots this year that they COULD win, but the establishment pushes this narrative because they know that if enough of us revolt and vote Green, it threatens their power.

Well let's threaten their power.

The time is NOW.
Commit to #VoteGreen. Talk to your friends, family & neighbors. Tell them & show them why voting 4 Howie Hawkins is the better choice than settling 4 another candidate who will not only abandon them AGAIN, but actively work 2 harm them.

Spread the word. Tell every1 you know.
9.5 million people voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 primary.

Do not give in to despair. Remember that mobilization we had in the primaries? #NotMeUs?

Let's mobilize that again. And let's bring in the non-voters.
And if what we have 2 gain doesn't motivate you, consider this: the wailing that will occur at both party's HQs the night of Nov 3rd, along with all the halls of power, when they realize a 3rd party candidate has taken the election.

If spite & revenge will motivate you, let it.
But we must #RISEUP.

This is the time.

You can follow @MaryELynn.
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