thread of what’s going on in argentina
before i start i want to say that i’m choosing to share this information in this platform in particular because i know that there’s a huge audience who will help to spread this. this information was taken from another survey+
+ and beforhand, i’m including some pictures which may be triggering for some people, so keep reading carefully
in the last month, over 250 km2 were burnt in the delta paraná. there are over 2.500 fire bulbs. the smoke is starting to reach the capital of the country.
there are 25.000 hectares of forests, grasslands and more burning. (we are talking about half of the surface of rosario which is 178.7 km2) due to this, the situation was claimed as an ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY
there are more areas of argentina suffering this too. the fire bulbs from córdoba and santa fe are worrying too and have left dead animals and evacuated people.

the nature is destroyed, the animals that live there too, the poor communities are expelled from their homes, and everything that provides the making of meat and diary products as well.
the fires are intentional as well as the amazonia’s. soy is needed to feed these animals, and space is required to place these animals too.
now i’m gonna attach some petitions you may sign. please spread these information, no international media is talking about this. also before you ask, i chose to write this in english so people from other countries can understand everything.
esto también es muy importante !!!!
another petition u may sign !!!
acá tienen un vídeo q me pasaron donde mas o menos explica mas de lo que está pasando
me preguntaron si era posible hacer donaciones así que dejo esto también!! mando fuerzas a todos los que viven en estos lugares ❤️
me acaban de mandar que los incendios están llegando a corrientes también !!!
es muy triste, mucho amor y fuerzas a todos los que están pasando por esto
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