alright making a thread that will probably be a vid one day because this shit is oddly stressful (RE-DO BECAUSE TYPO)
im not even close to a communist. i have no idea where that comes from. this is "everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi" 2020. red scare version. lets not.
2. ive always been left wing. people who have followed me for years know this. check my old vids/tweets. critiquing shitty brances of feminism is not a right wing position. youre not right wing/centrist for being annoyed at liberals. culture war is a spook. tumblr was cointelpro.
3. if you have a problem with my opinions respond to my opinions. don't group me in with friends or WORSE, random people i dont even fucking know. guilt by association is lame. i feel like i'm having dejavu rn. nega-2016.
4. i really have not changed much besides looking deeper into positions i've already held for years. ex: being pro-marijuana turned into "why do we lock people up for it? hey the private prison system is kind of fucked" etc. the one policy i DID change on is i'm now pro-2A lmao
5. nobody is influencing me. if you want to blame anyone for me moving 'more left' blame the incompetent democratic party.
6. i don't mean to alienate anybody from my audience. i really love that there are people here who disagree with me. everything is very divided right now & i hope you stick around & maybe i'll teach you some things. i am still going to make apolitical, meme-y videos. love you all
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