i swear every week i get a message asking me if i think cancel culture is real and my take has always been the same: its not, and rarely does it leave a social/financial impact on someone. but there is an a moral abuse issue, which i think should be discussed more.
for those who arent aware, moral abuse is basically using your own morals to justify hurting/intimidating others. its less "im going to criticize someone's behavior" and more "im going to actively hurt this person because im more morally righteous than them"
moral abuse is stuff ive endured and what many other popular artists have endured. moral abuse is callout posts not made with the intention to inform others, but to hurt the artist. moral abuse is throwing slurs and whatever hurtful words you can think of degrade that person.
moral abuse is dehumanizing, degrading, humiliating and nothing short of bullying. moral abuse can cause a lot more pain, suffering and trauma. so Cancel culture never works bc i can keep my audience, but moral abuse has left a lasting trauma on me that will likely never go away
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