Now that it's coming out that #SashaWhite endorsed beating trans women for using the bathroom, let's look at violence in the TERF movement.
The @AllianceLGB seems to inspire the same type of behavior that we see in the alt-right.
Some TERFs are prepping for hunting trans people.
TERF leaders have flashed their guns for some time now. GallusMag's GenderTrender was a major site for TERF organizing around the right-wing's so-called "bathroom bills".
Then there was that time TERF beat Stonewall Riot veteran Sylvia Rivera.
And let's not forget that TERFs are happy to work with sexual predators on the Right to pass laws banning trans people in bathrooms while appealing to safeguarding issues.
And... I won't ever forget that my friend did kill herself after this, @AS307.
And, we should never forget that TERFs did 1/3 of the work that lead to the banning of trans care in public and private insurance, resulting in trans death.

This, from a peer-reviewed chapter in The Sociological Review:
But, yeah... TERFs get away with claims like this.
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