A Press conference with Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell. Here’s the chief answering @tessriski question about why PBB didn’t arrest Tusitala “Tiny” Toese when he was openly violating his probation at Saturday’s rally
Chief Lovell answers @alex_zee question about why police didn’t intervene at Saturday’s rally, despite obvious threats to public safety
Chief Lovell on what would meet the threshold for police intervening in large scale confrontations like Saturday’s rally
@alex_zee follows up and asks the chief why the presence of a gun didn’t meet the threshold of life safety for police to intervene in Saturday’s rally
This reporter asks why more police resources were devoted to the night time BLM protests than the daytime conservative rally
Follow up question, @JoAnnPDX and @tedwheeler gave notice about this Saturday’s rally. Was that taken into consideration when it came to staffing?
Asked whether police will allow mutual brawling between two groups who meet in the street “we can’t be everywhere and intervene in every situation”
Chief Lovell says the cost of staff shortages from assigning them to cover protest mean longer wait times for 9-11 calls
Chief Lovell on abolishing the police
This reporter asks about this Saturday’s planned conservative rally and whether police will approach this one differently
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