today's Discourse reminded that john shalikashvilli, one of the highest ranked generals in the US army and clinton's chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, had a father who was in the georgian SS and they tried to pass it off as an inspirational refugee story
even though there was a bunch of controversy after researchers dug up his father's nazi past it got memory holed so hard that i don't think people could even tell you who john shalikashvilli was. did he seriously think people would believe he never found out his dad was a nazi
wait he was distantly related to erich von manstein too?
waffen SS member's son says gay rights
so that's why his family was in poland
i know john was a war criminal in his own right but his dad was also implicated in an interwar nazi spy ring, this rabbit hole goes so deep
okay scratch that there is something weird going on, i don't even know what's real anymore
OT but munich keeps showing up in things i read about nazi collaborators in the west, i know it's a big city in west germany but it seems like it had an especially high concentration of nazi collaborators
while searching a certain interwar geopolitical project i found a bunch of socdems on here who are semi-ironically-but-also-unironically posting about syndicalist intermarium. pic unrelated
pretty sure pilsudski had already abandoned socialism at this point but even then, this still isn't making social democracy look good
huh, today i learned
i know poland and the georgians are going to each have their own side but kobiashvili still isn't looking too good.
also i googled him and he testified in front of the select committee on communist aggression and just look at this absolute rockstar lineup, can't wait to look up all of their files in the cia reading room
he omitted a few details about his time in nazi occupied poland
oh, also the author of this paper found some documents that confirmed the nazi spy ring was real
"former ussr residents"
i checked the UPA footnote and the book has been cited by a few historians so she at least didn't graduate from hollywood upstairs history college - lviv branch but i also don't speak ukrainian so i can't read the book and confirm or deny and my gut tells me to press x to doubt
victims of the warsaw uprising: the shalikashvili family
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