(1/6) U.S Border Patrol was formed in 1924 after the U.S. Immigration Act of 1924 was passed. The Immigration Act was an effort to limit certain races and ethnicities from entering the United States by means of a quota. Specifically, that quota...
(2/6) ... was meant to favor Europeans of Nordic descent from Northern and Western Europe. Harsh limits were put in place to deter immigration from anywhere else, which also included Southern and Eastern Europe. Mexican immigration was not as limited due to the...
(3/6)... importance of Mexican immigrant farmers and ranchers within the agricultural community. This was only after much lobbying by those within the agricultural hierarchy of the U.S.
(4/6) In fact, the blatant racism of the 1924 Immigration Act was an inspiration for Adolf Hitler’s Race Laws. In 1928, Hitler was quoted saying “There is currently one state in which one can observe at least a weak beginnings of a better conception ...
(5/6) ... This is of course not Germany, but the American Union. The American Union categorically refuses the immigration of physically unhealthy elements and simply excludes the immigration of other races.” Hitler admired the outright racist connotations of the Immigration ...
(6/6) ... Act. Our Border Patrol was formed due to blatant racism - racism that was even applauded by Hitler himself. That should concern all of us.
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