This shit is silly. Maps think they got it hard but we as antis get shit on from everybody. This bouta be a thread.
Maps will go with their whole "oh poor me. We get soo many death threats" act. And then they'll give like 6 screenshots of people whose accounts were made 1 week ago who aren't antis and don't even call themselves antis.
Literally just normal ass people. People who probably just recently found out about maps. People who don't even recognize antis when they see them. Maps hate to admit it, but it's commonplace to hate pedophiles. And no one community can change that. Not even us.
Maps harass minor antis often as hell and blame it on "but they're being groomed and antis do the same to minor maps and aams".
But newsflash, telling people to go to therapy isn't harassment and harassing kids whom you claim are groomed is the worst thing to do.
We get shit on by those normal ass people I mentioned too. Because we don't want to make death threats toward maps. So then *we* seem like pedo supporters to the outside world because we don't have the blind hate that maps LOVE to claim that we do.
Maps try to turn those normal people against us too. With their "this flag is a map flag" "the delta belongs to zoos and maps" bullshit. It makes it so much harder for normal people to identify who's an anti and who's an asshole paraphile getting people harassed for kicks.
Another thing is, a lot of the anti community is lgbt. So whenever some brainlet comes out of the woodwork saying "maps are part of lgbt so that makes lgbt people accept pedophiles", that directly affects us.
Not only are they making a lot of antis and lgbt people uncomfortable and even unsafe, they're also helping maps and zoos by catering to their idea that they're a part of the lgbt community.
And then we've got maps and zoos hurling "ableist", "homophobic", "transphobic" at us as if those things have ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM. Transage, even if it existed, is not related to transgender. Homophobia is specifically against homosexuals.
And they really try to go "it's a sexuality we don't need therapy it's not a mental illness it's normal look at these studies that have no statistics or research behind them" and then call us ableist. Sorry but you can't have it both ways. Beggers can't be choosers.
A lot of antis are csa survivors. And then we constantly get hit with "you don't care about kids" "you don't care about preventing abuse" "you only want an excuse to hate" "you don't care about csa "you don't care about csa survivors" "you don't care" "you don't" "you don't"
Maps will never have a CLUE how much that hurts. They'll never have the slightest goddamn IDEA how belittling and degrading it is to get told over and over again that you would let other children go through the same trauma as you did.
And then when we tell the maps and the zoos that they're abusing a kid or an animal they'll go "that's gaslighting!! We actually love them we could never hurt them"
As if that could stop them from abusing them.
I could go on. But I won't 'cause I'm tired as hell and I'm sick of dissecting the victim complexes of abusers.
Estamos bien INDEED.
Fruit out, stay hydrated ❤💚❤
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