Real story time

the time my school saw me breakdown and gave me gifts and shit for the rest of the year
#QuarantineStorytime #storytimesthread #CoupleGoals #threadstorytime #FreakyStoryTime #depression #infinity
4 likes 2rts and 3 cms (someone small cause, idk why but i feel like this should be something helpful)
Ok so BOP!this was like freshman year i think ion know it was a long time ago soo!! and i’m starting my junior year rn🤗lemme tell y’all what’s tea ok so ppl still remember me cause like i was like one of those girls who looked cute and seemed happy but i was really
one of those girls who were the smallest n prettiest in the group but has the most insecurities,was very sensitive, hid my pain with jokes, smiles, mean comments(hurtful jokes) i always made others happy but mostly kept quiet and no one ever noticed that cause they always thought
i was just mad or rude for no reason but this all started when my grandpa died and my parents were going through the arguments all the time phase cause my brothers we HORRIBLE and my dad was never home so yuh but yea i woke up for school, when they told me he died i just broke
i fixed my bed,showered,got dressed<pic>ate then brushed my teeth and packed my bed then waited for my brothers to get dress for school but they were fine i wasn’t cause i was the closest to him. (the jacket was black and the words were white)FF⏭
i get to school late i walk in my 3 period (i got 8 periods and today was all periods) i walk in and the teacher we can call her “Mrs.J” she said “Ms.(my last name) your late, your never late “ i ignored her and walked to the back of the class and ppl was staring at me MIND YALL
Kaí was in that class so he blowing up my phone but i just put my airpod pros in and just played some music while i started sketching someone’s eyes ion know who it was they just kept looking at me. so they was taking a quiz and i ain’t do it so when my teacher seen that she knew
sum was up bc i was always first up to be done she went to my friends first (Keira,Mia, Niya,Renae, and Kayila) and she spoke to them outside ig she told em to try and talk to me cause when they came back inside they came to me and was just tapping me and talking to me but i was
ignoring em, so she spoke to Kaí and he ain’t know so he went to get my brothers across the hall from the classFF⏭ my brothers get to my class and i ain’t say nun i just got on top of Dj(the middle oldest) and he knew what was up so the whole class period we ain’t do nun cause
they was concerned for me but after that class i just someone had recorded me and they calling me all times of name like “psycho” “weirdo” “hoe” “depressed ass girl” so the next the class i just sat in the back again and ppl started staring at me i’m like “wdf y’all want”
and they just turned around and started whispering so Kaí bust in the door and he askin if i’m ok cause he seen it but i didn’t so i ain’t know wdf he was pressing me so i just said “yea i’m fine” and pushed him away so he kinda got hurt cause i’ve been pushing him away knowin
i’m hurt but something FF⏭ lunch come and we still had 4 periods left so im by myself just on twitter reading, and on instagrams so then i get a whole bunch of text outta no where talking bout “go kys” “i hope you drown” “you don’t belong” “you ugly ass monkey” “ghetto ass”
“ugly ass black nigger”all times of shit and Kaí has my ig password so i started crying he seen me so he dropped the tray he got for his sister and ran to me and i fell on the floor and started braking down even harder cause like 7th grade year, i would cry in the shower,
Hold my breathe, stand on my balcony, or just stare at the road. So all those memories came back and it just different so Kaí telling me “it’s gonna be okay” and “he’s here for me” the he started crying too and i started hitting him and stuff but he just held me and was crying
with me so they called my brothers cause everyone was watching us and the AP,Principal,Security and staff tryna figure out why we was on the floor so my brothers literally almost broke the doors down(they play football,basketball) i see them and i said “kaí p-please let me go”
so he did as soon as he did that i just ran and jumped in Legend’s arms(the oldest) and all 5 of us was hugging each other and i was telling me that “i can’t do it” or “i can’t take it anymore” or “ion wanna be here anymore” and “i wanna disappear” type stuff and they was tellin
me it’s not worth it , we’ll just homeschool, we need you, ppl love you, and we’ve alr lost enough ppl. and ig is the young oldest picked-up my phone and was reading it and he wa crying cause it was going on for years so he yelled “THE FUCK WRONG WITH YALL!?” and everyone was
scared then he said “SHES FUCKING 15! HALF OF YALL IN THE BITCH FAILED AND HAVE NO LIFE YOU CANT FEEL GREAT BAOUT TAKING LIVES” so he threw the phone and the security picked it up and Him,The APS,And staff started reading it so he said “this what y’all doing now” this girl been
here for like “2 years and she’s the favorite student MOST OF YALL been here for like 7yrs cause you failed” so the AP asked all the ppl who did it to stand up and like most the lunch room stood up so kaí was just on the floor crying so i said “KAÍ! i want kaí” he we me,him,
my brothers, and my others friends was hugging each other so then i said “i needa use the bathroom” so i actually go on the stairs and just stared at the floor so ig i cried to much i kinda passed out so i woke in the nurses offices and the whole school was by the door
while kaí was laying on my lap once i woke up he woke up and wiped his face and started kissing much cheeks and my forehead and stuff FF⏭ the next day i woke up got dressed<pic>wit my hair out and when i pulled up Kaí had Flowers,a big ass teddy bear, 6notes, and some gifts.i
i walk in AND EVERYONE by the locker has gifts for me so i’m crying cause my school? FELT BAD? FOR ME? it was uncommon very much rare so that whole day ppl was complimenting me and giving me long hugs and stuff including the Staff, and for the rest of year ppl at my school
kept bringing i small gifts whenever the could or felt like they needed to, whenever i was quiet they always kept me talking so i wouldn’t i’ve rethinks nd yea...i love em, especially Kaí cause he planned it
MOTMFING: ummm speak up cause most time ppl who love you will be the most blinded by your situations and stuff don’t be afraid to just talk to someone if you are going through stuff but this was hard for me BUT LIKE! i’m fine i’ve been happy every since that day👏🏾🥰 so dw
sorry if i have any typos or mistakes in the thread
OHH and those kids had to write an apology letter and were expelled cause they’ve done it b4
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