With so much disinformation out there on the Hunters Point waterfront. Here's my view. (THREAD)
I’ve had a number of Hunters Point/LIC constituents reach out to my office about the recent decision by some community members to hire private security to patrol the waterfront -- some in favor, many opposed. (2/14)
Quality of life concerns are real and the City and State have to do a better job of responding to them. But in this moment, where we face a global pandemic, record unemployment and a recession, a City budget deficit of $10 Billion, ... (3/14)
... and a national uprising over racial injustice and all forms of inequality, I am deeply uncomfortable and oppose a plan where wealthier individuals fund private security to patrol public parks and spaces. (4/14)
While I share some of the quality of life concerns being raised, LIC waterfront parks are not a “war zone” -- but to hear some talk about it, you would think that is the case. Let’s keep perspective. (5/14)
I also share the concerns expressed by some about what will happen if this private patrol force does encounter individuals they believe are violating park rules or City laws. Will they engage the individuals? What if the individuals don’t move or cease? (6/14)
Will the security personnel call the police? What if they provoke a response they themselves aren’t prepared for? Will this private security force that is patrolling our public spaces report to these wealthier residents only – and will those funders set their daily agenda? (7/14)
Sometimes the solution is worse than the problem. A private security force is a slippery slope toward a situation that could get out of hand quickly. (8/14)
And whether intended or not people are right to question whether this private force will result in more over policing of people of color. (9/14)
I am also concerned with what I see in some toxic online groups and have been told about other situations where community members are tearing each other apart over this issue. Vicious personal attacks and doxing just inflame the situation and are wrong. (10/14)
I have been in touch with the Queens Parks Commissioner and we have also heard from the local State Parks Commissioner. They too have concerns with hiring private patrols. (11/14)
Queens Parks Commissioner Dockett is willing to participate with me in a community-wide meeting (could be via zoom) to talk about this issue and other options. (12/14)
Public parks are just that, public. We cannot and I will not, as some have suggested to me, make these publicly funded parks available only to Hunters Point residents. Others have talked about how much rent they pay or how much they pay in taxes. (13/14)
But the amount you pay does not provide you a unique say in public spaces. All are equal. Regardless of income and zip code. And we should all in this moment be focused on ending all forms of injustice and not creeping towards a solution here that could set us backwards. (14/14)
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