Back in the 90's-early 00's, each year the Retail Reporting Corporation would put out a 'Point of Purchase Design Annual' book, collecting the best of those displays you'd see in stores, restaurants, etc. A great reference for various trends and products from the era.
The DK (Dorling Kindersley) displays always bring back great memories, and are perfect examples of the 'Utopian Scholastic' aesthetic popular at the time. I like how in some of them they translated the graphic design of the book into a physical form.
While it's not from the same series, 'Point of Purchase' by Robert Konikow (1985), collects some interesting displays from that era; including 'fast food mansard' Frito-Lay shelving, Atari demo kiosk, synthwave dog food, and a terrifying Hardee's 'Fun Machine'.
Some tech-focused examples from the book. Not sure what the AT&T Sceptre is exactly, looks like some early version of an internet terminal kiosk?
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