i mean how difficult you find a new language to learn largely depends on what you already speak lmao, a lot of people who speak yoruba find japanese fairly easy to pick up because of phonetics and stuff https://twitter.com/ostodvandi/status/1297929383706066944
but the reason why people say english is hard is because english is very irregular and makes no fucking sense. it's not bc the grammar is that complex or bc of vocab, it's just plain odd and you're a piece of shit if you poke fun at people for having "bad" english
i did esl tutoring for spanish speakers for a bit and it's just... you teach someone one set of rules and they pick it up and then you wind up teaching them 12 exceptions to the shit you you explained two weeks ago lmao.
online if people aren't fully fluent then i can tell when they speak spanish by the mistakes they make in english now lmao
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