When is adventure bred out of us? (long thread)

One of the perks of pushing the album back is that now I have a chance to explain myself. Not in the way you may have come to expect explanation; instead, I’d rather explore than explain. I don't really have answers.
It seems to me that much of life is made up of journeys rather than destinations. All of life is one such journey. We seek destinations, whether they are happiness or freedom or love, but rarely do we ever find them, at least not in the X marks the spot sort of way. Your new car
or TV, or fame and fortune, or reaching “mastery” in your field, or finding a soulmate may all seem like reaching the end–like you’ve finally made it. But in truth, we know that these things never close the book, instead, they always seem to reveal more pages. More chapters.
And so it is with Swayze.

Many of you have already joined me on this journey. Some of you have joined the Fellowship and pledged your time and energy, song collaborations, friendship, or ever your material wealth to the cause. I am so grateful.
Some provide outside support through listens, comments, sharees, and likes. And still others (mostly indifferent) watch from the quiet tree line to see what happens next. You are just as much a part of the journey, for we are all tied up together somehow.
I started this journey because I wanted to make the kind of music that I would enjoy hearing. I don’t know why I like 80’s music and big hair, or funky grooves, or bright neon colors, or loud distorted guitars–I just know that they make me feel oh so nice deep down inside.
I also wanted to learn something and to create. And to not be dependent on a band which is, all too often, a beautiful but unreliable thing. Swayze allows me to indulge all these parts of me.
This journey doesn’t have a destination. I don’t know where it’s going. I just know that writing songs makes me feel like I’m on the right path. Everyone wants to “make it” and to a certain extent, that’s true for me as well. But really,
I just want to make that music to which I would want to listen. It’s quite imperfect right now. That’s the real journey for me, how to get something from my head out onto the fretboard or keyboard, or into a .wav file that sounds just right to my ear.
If that’s the destination, then I’m a million miles away right now. But if it’s the journey, then I can sleep soundly knowing that I spent yet another day trodding its path, putting my time and energy into something that actually fulfills me.
That’s what it’s all about after all right? There’s so many adventures to be had and this weird niche synth-funk adventure is just one of mine. Maybe it’ll lead to the top of a mountain. Or to new friends and opportunities. Or maybe it’ll lead nowhere.
But where it leads is of no importance to me–it’s all about the adventure. I hope the love of adventures can still burn bright inside each of us and, that we have the courage to take those first steps. Thanks for joining.
You can follow @Swayzefunk.
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