So much Falwell news to dissect and analyze. The jokes abound. But I want to take a minute to discuss how this scandal fits into evangelical discourse and American sex scandals generally.
@lesliedorroughs argues persuasively that sex scandals are often discussed differently and have varied outcomes for the politicians/public figures involved based on their race, gender, and social position.
A couple of things follow from there according to her analysis:

1. Serial adultery is often forgiven (Trump, Bill Clinton, JFK)
2. Sex scandals aren't about sex. They are about a story that the nation tells about itself--including its power and strength.
Moreover, Dorrough Smith argues--following Janet Jakobsen--conceptions of political masculinity are baked into how the nation views its leader and itself. "Hypermasculine agression," as Dorrough Smith calls it, is seen as a symbol of the nation's strength, power, and might.
In other words, super toxic dudes are favored by many as political leaders because they are a symbol of the nation's aggression, bravery, and dominance.
This is why Trump's documented adultery hasn't been damning. While he is not the good family man many evangelicals tout as the male ideal, he is viewed as a conqueror--his sexual assault and violence are a symbol of the nation's ability to take what it wants, when it wants.
This brings me to Falwell. Today, @C_Stroop wrote "Once known for the masculine swagger he exhibited in behavior like his infamous “end those Muslims” comments, evangelicals will hardly be able to view him in the same light now that it seems he likes to watch as he’s cuckolded."
I agree with @C_Stroop and @dianabutlerbass that because the Falwell story took a turn into cuckolding--away from the virulent male engaging his natural sexual dominance--Falwell's redemption is less likely than in other cases of white male heterosexual adultery.
Point of evidence is an email posted by @KyleJamesHoward:
The sentiment here familiar to anyone who knows evangelical purity culture: men are insatiable sexual beasts. You can't blame them for promiscuity. The best possible outcome is to contain it in a monogamous marriage. If Falwell had 5 mistresses, he could be forgiven-and quickly.
He has moved out of the bounds of male dominance. He is not an adulterer-an acceptable label for an evangelical and American male leader. He is a cuck--and thus he has lost his status as a real man. For evos, the story of Falwell is not giving in to his manhood. It's giving it up
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