From the series "Get to know the Juice".
Today's topic: The Federal Reserve Bank

In November 1910, some representatives of the world’s richest “jiu’ish” men held a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia, in order to establish a central bank in America.
Who were those men?
Representing the Rockefeller empire, Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderlip.

Aldrich was a prominent American politician and a leader of the Republican Party in the Senate, where he was one of the key Republicans who largely controlled the major decisions.
His daughter Abigail married into the Rockefeller family, and his descendants, including the namesake Nelson A. Rockefeller, became powerful figures in American politics and banking.

Aldrich was very active in the Freemasons and was Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
Frank Vanderlip was president of the National City Bank of New York and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
He helped finance American participation in World Wars 1 and 2 by devising the war bond savings stamp program.
The National City Bank collaborated extensively with the Rockefellers in all sorts of fronts.

Representing JP Morgan were Henry Davidson, Charles Norton and Benjamin Strong.

Henry Davidson, a senior partner at JP Morgan & Company...
...was later named Chairman of the War Council of the borderless American Red Cross in 1917...

Highly financed by JP Morgan, later he helped create the IFRC (International Federation of the Red Cross) which would then, among other things... spread and implement the School of Frankfurt agenda of no-gender madness throughout the different cultures of the world.
Charles Norton was the Secretary to the President during William Howard Taft's presidency and the president of the Merchants Club. At the time of the FED negotiations, he was the president of J.P. Morgan’s Bankers Trust Company.
A representative and president for JP Morgan as well, Benjamin Strong would push for monetary policies that effectively assisted the Allies to raise war finance in the US. His monetary policies contributed to the onset of the Great Depression in the United States and Europe.
Finally, Paul M. Warburg was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company, a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France, and the brother to Max Warburg who was the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands.
There were some powerful men who tried to raise opposition against the creation of the Federal Reserve system on that fatidic day: Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss and Jacob Astor.
"Strangely", all of them died on board of the Titanic when it sank to the bottom of the ocean. Thus, by April 1912, all opposition to the Federal Reserve had been eliminated with one single stone.
Then, on December 23, while all senators and congressmen had taken their Christmas leave, President Wilson signed a bill “in the dead of the night” and the PRIVATELY-OWNED Federal Reserve system was approved.
Ever since, the American economy has been based on a system of fake credit in which the worth of its currency is absolutely illusory because it is based on thin air...
Anytime US need money, they go to the Federal Reserve and all it has to do is go to a “back room” and literally print as much money as they want, thus throwing the country into deeper debt - endlessly. This means that every American citizen is a debt slave without knowing it.
Finally, it is said that currently the Rothschild clan owns the vast majority of central banks, the only remaining "free" ones being in Iran, North Korea and Cuba.


Thank you for reading!
As an addendum, here is a partial list of the major shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank:

(Notice the origin of the surnames)

Rothschild Banks of England and Berlin
Warburg Banks of Hamburg and Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris
Israel Moses Seiff Banks of Italy
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb of New York
Goldman Sacks of New York

Paul Warburg, Levi Morton, J. P. Morgan, James Stillman, Mary W. Harnman, A. D. Julliard, Jacob Schiff, Thomas Ryan, William Rockefeller, and so on.
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