My vision for the houseguests as sandwiches. A thread. #bb22
Christmas: Tofu Sandwich
In a word: bland. Adopts only the flavors of the food surrounding it while bringing absolutely nothing to the table. Complete lack of ingenuity. Absolutely no one asked for this. #bb22
Nicole: Egg Salad Sandwich
I can smell it from here- an offensive odor reminiscent of carbon monoxide. Pairs well with a shrill whine. You'll be gassy later. #bb22
Bay: Slider
A modern twist on a classic taste. Definitely artisanal- not White Castle quality. Small but mighty, we hope that it can stand up against the larger, aggressive full size sandwiches. #bb22
Kaysar: Grilled Cheese
Old reliable. Always there for you when you need it- whether it's because you've stumbled into your kitchen drunk and forgot how to cook or you're broke and the pantry is empty. A beacon of hope in moments of desperation. A beloved hero. A friend. #bb22
Enzo: Meatball Sub
Specifically one from a sketchy food truck. LOUD, sensory overload. You're covered in marinara by the end of it. Almost abhorrently large. Something about this screams "for the boys!" But who are we kidding, it's delicious and fun. #bb22
Dani: Tuna Sandwich
A small but mighty base of loyal supporters. Smells like lies and a foul mouth. You wish it was a chicken salad sandwich but it's not. #bb22
Janelle: Chicken Salad Sandwich
A beloved icon on many a menu. Classy, filling, and full of heart. Any other salad sandwich would be jealous of the universal admiration this sandwich possesses. Loyal- you'll never be disappointed if you order this up. #bb22
Cody: Bologna Sandwich
Processed. Something you'd like as a child when you don't know any better. Slimy and without an appetizing flavor. This is 100% what Derrick eats on his lunch break. #bb22
Kevin: Fried Brain Sandwich
What the hell is going on over here? A whole mess. Enough is enough. #bb22
Day: Peanut Butter and Jelly
Fun, outgoing, and extremely memeable. Loved across America. While this classic might not last you till dinner, it makes an unforgettable impression with everyone in the family. So delicious, you almost might classify it as dessert. #bb22
Tyler: Veggie Burger
BIG millennial energy. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I respect it. Hearty, substantial, and has earned its place at the table. Best enjoyed at a surf shack in Cali. Generally non-offensive and friendly. New age. #bb22
Memphis: Lobster roll
Pretentious, arrogant, and overpriced. Your rich friends order it in front of you to rub salt in the wounds. Looks down on the other sandwiches as if it is some sandwich royalty. #bb22
Ian: Ice Cream Sandwich
Cute, fun, and sweet. Doesn't cause anyone harm but brightens up your day. Quite ingenious to classify itself as a sandwich. When you finally do get a bite, get ready for a punch of flavor #bb22
#bb22 And last but not least. David. The inspiration behind all of this. Based on your performance this week, the fitting title of:
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