our tips for college:
pls do not ask your professor if you can go to the bathroom, just get up and go
if the professor says this might be on an exam then it’s definitely on the exam
go to office hours
take notes. whether digitally or physically PLEASE take notes.
if you get practice exams or review sessions, study for them like they’re the real exams (i dont do this because i hate myself, dont be like me) - bread
do your homework.
you might be like oh ahaha it’s just the syllabus...

but the syllabus will save your life.

put down every deadline and assignment in your planner/to-do list/calendar as soon as you get it and update if you need.
drink water and go pee. stop dehydrating urself.
change ur major for the Thrill. (jk but also u probably will)

if u go to a school where u cant change ur major easily, uh, idk sorry
have fun, be gay, make ur university admin’s life hell 🖤
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